Photo of Omar Sorriente Argentina

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At the age of six, Omar Sorriente started in the visual arts, fruit of a family of artists, painters, sculptors and poets. He currently works in his atelier in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, making shows in the country and abroad, with works of neo futurist & cubist style. The most representative have been in Miami (USA), Punta del Este (Uruguay) and Rome (Italy) where he won his highest award: the Gold Medal in the Medusa Aurea Trophy, awarded by the Accademia Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, in the year 1999, and consecrated Honoris Causa Academician.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2015, Expo Arte Necochea 2015 (Necochea, Buenos Aires)
  • 2015, Galería R. van R. "Salón Apertura 2015" Muestra conjunta (Buenos Aires))
  • 2014, Galería Martín Fierro Muestra conjunta por los Derechos de la Mujer (Buenos Aires))
  • 2014, Expo-Arte Pigüé 2014 Muestra conjunta en el Honorable Consejo Deliberante (Pigüé, Prov. de Buenos Aires)
  • 2012, Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARTE PUNTA - Centro de Convenciones del Hotel Conrad (Punta del Este, Uruguay)
  • 2012, Feria de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo ARTECLASICA 2012 (Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires)
  • 2011, Sociedad Odontológica de La Plata
  • 2010, Galería Rembrandt van Rijn (Buenos Aires))
  • 2008, Sociedad Odontológica de La Plata
  • 2007, Dirección General de Cultura de San Isidro
  • 2007, Casa de la Cultura (Villa Adelina)
  • 2004, Palais de Glace / Artistas Argentinos SAAP (Bs. As.)
  • 2003, Banco Provincia (La Plata)
  • 2002, Museo Penitenciario Argentino (Buenos Aires)
  • 2000, The Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latin American Art (Miami / USA)
  • 1999, Museo de Bellas Artes de La Plata
  • 1999, Asociación Estímulo de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires)
  • 1999, Impulso de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires)
  • 1999, Museo Roca (Buenos Aires)
  • 1998, Salón Cultural Bernardino Rivadavia (La Plata)
  • 1995, Ateneo Popular de La Boca (Buenos Aires)
  • 1992, Ateneo Popular de La Boca (Buenos Aires)
  • 1992, Palacio de Correos (Buenos Aires)

Awards received

  • 2009, Galería Rembrant van Rijn / Gran Premio "Semana del Arte"
  • 2007, Galería Rembrant van Rijn / 2º Premio "Pequeño Formato"
  • 2002, Círculo de Bellas Artes / 1º Mención "67º Salón Anual"
  • 2001, Targa del Lazio (Roma) Accademia Internazionale d´ Arte Moderna (AIAM)
  • 2000, Sodalis Academicum (Italia) Academia Gentium "Pro Pace" Invitado para homenajear al Papa Juan Pablo II
  • 1999, Medalla de Oro - Accademia Internazionale d´Arte Moderna (AIAM) Roma / Italia
  • 1999, Accadémico Honoris Causa (Roma) Accademia Internazionale d´Arte Moderna
  • 1998, Galería Núcleo de Arte / 2º Premio "Gran Salón de Pintura"
  • 1998, Galería Daitter Hajj / 3º Premio "Salón Apertura"
  • 1998, Galería Encuentrarte / 3º Premio "IV Salón de Mediano Formato"
  • 1998, Galería Encuentrarte / 1º Premio "Salón de Pintura Figura Humana"
  • 1997, Universidad Popular de la Boca / 2º Premio "Dibujo y Pintura Salón Tomás Le Bretón"
  • 1997, Galería Núcleo de Arte / Mención Salón Primavera
  • 1997, Galería Núcleo de Arte / Mención Fin de Año
  • 1986, Medalla de Plata - Shankar´s International Children´s Competition
  • 1985, Medalla de Plata - Shankar´s International Children´s Competition
  • 1982, Medalla de Plata - Shankar´s International Children´s Competition

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See everything we offer you!
33.46 x 25.59 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
7.87 x 9.45 in
27.56 x 27.56 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
See all the artworks

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Photo of Omar Sorriente Argentina

Omar Sorriente has received the Accademic Honoris Causa awarded by the Accademia Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, in Rome, when he won the 1st Prize, Gold Medal, in the Medusa Aurea Trophy (1999). In the year 2000 the Gentium Pro Pace Academy (Vatican City) named him Master of Color - Sodalis Academicus for the triptych tribute to Pope John Paul II, made on the occasion of the Jubilee. That same year he exhibited at The Florida Museum of Hispanic and Latinamerican Art, Miami, United States. In 2001 he was awarded the Targa del Lazio, prize acquisition at the AIAM, Rome. In 2012 he exhibited his works at the Conrad Hotel in Punta del Este, Uruguay, at the Punta Arte Fair. He currently works in his Atelier in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, entering the paradise of Fine Arts with his neo futurist & cubist style (as it was called by the art critic Mara Ferloni, Ages Magazine, Rome).

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